Dr. Sudip Ghosh is an associate professor of business at Penn State Berks. His scholarly and teaching interests include corporate finance, banking and financial regulations, macro-monetary economics, and corporate social responsibility. He has presented pre-conference workshops and conference sessions at international conferences. Dissertation Topic: "Risk Based Capital Requirements and the U. S. Loan Market"
Ghosh, Sudip, Harrington, C., Marquette, C.J., Williams, T.G.E., 2012. Bidder Returns on Acquisitions Announcements: The Case of Instantly Completed Deals. Academy of Business Research Journal, 3, 68-83.
Ghosh, Sudip, Harrington, C., Marquette, C.J., Williams, T.G.E., 2012. Hidden Addition Acquisitions: Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 9 (3), 103-110.
Ghosh, Sudip, and Maretno A. Harjoto. October 2011. Corporate Stock Donations: Philanthropic or Agency Problem. Business Ethics: A European Review. Volume 20, Number 4, 342-358
Ghosh, Sudip, Harrington, C., Smith, W. 2011. Do Windfall Non-Debt Tax Shields Affect Corporate Debt Issues? Managerial Finance. Volume 37, Number 6, 537-552.
Abdou, Khaled and Ghosh, Sudip. 2010. What Motivates REITs to Pay Cash Versus Other Forms of Payment in Mergers and Acquisitions? Journal of Property Investment and Finance. Volume 29, Number 1, 19-35, February 2011.
Ghosh, Sudip. 2010. Announcement Effects of the Federal Open Market Committee Decisions on Exchange Traded Funds and Bond Yields. European Journal of Economics, Finance, and Administrative Services. Issue 24, 147-155.
Ghosh, Sudip. 2010. Is the Credit Crunch a Supply Side Phenomenon? A Theoretical Appraisal. Academy of Banking Studies Journal, Volume 9, Number 1, 39-61.
Ghosh, Sudip, and Abdou, Khaled. 2009. Publicly Traded Homebuilders and Insiders Trading: A New Perspective. Managerial Finance Journal, Vol. 35, 803-821.
Ghosh, Sudip. 2008. Revisiting the Credit Crunch of 1990's: An Empirical Evidence. European Journal of Economics, Finance, and Administrative Services. Issue 13, 57-66.
Ph.D., Economics, West Virginia University
M.Sc., Economics, University of Calcutta (C.U.), India
B.Sc, Economics, Scottish Church College, India Affiliated, (CU)